будете готовы, не спеша просмотрите страницы последнего месяца, проверяя статус ваших Задач. Вероятно, вы выполнили не все. Это абсолютно нормально. Превратите свое чувство вины в любопытство и спросите себя, почему каждая из несделанных Задач все еще открыта. Они вам важны? Что случится, если вы этого не сделаете
The wizard symbolizes our misguided notion that the “cure” to whatever ails us, the missing piece, exists outside of us. We live in a commoditized culture that convinces us that our solutions must be acquired; that something
or someone
will finally make us whole. Our search takes us ever farther away from ourselves. Though we can
greatly benefit by keeping our minds and hearts open, ultimately we remain our own responsibility.
these clever trackers inject Collections with personality and whimsy, the underlying focus for most successful trackers is to monitor progress toward an intended goal.
Trackers are a great example of how we can take larger goals and deconstruct them into smaller actionable steps. They make potentially intimidating endeavors more manageable, and they keep us honest. Our memories and realities often are not the best of friends.
On the flip side, be careful not to fall down the research rabbit hole. Educating ourselves can be fun and feel productive, but for some it becomes a way to avoid getting on with the process. The longer you research, the more options you will surface, which can also be overwhelming. We want to avoid this infamous “analysis paralysis.” We
The good news is that you’ll naturally be able to weed out unsustainable Collections during your Monthly or Yearly Migration. If you haven’t updated a given Collection, you’ll know that it’s not adding much value to your life. It’s okay to let it go. It’s not a failure; it’s a valuable lesson that can be applied to future template designs. You need to learn how something doesn’t work in order to design something that will. Be sure your frustration or disappointment doesn’t rob you of that opportunity.
Writing down this mission statement is also a great way to “wake the page.” That’s the term I use to describe the act of marking the page for the first time. It’s the moment when thought transcends the distance between our inner and outer world, and we breathe life into our ideas. Beginning can be the hardest part. What better way to wake the page than by stating what you want? Don’t overthink it; just write down what you feel. It’s not a contract. It’s just a benevolent way to nudge yourself over the starting line.
Why is getting at the underlying cause so important? Motivation doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It results from our pain, frustration, or desire. Whatever the case may be, we need to surface it before we can assure that our efforts aren’t misdirected. By identifying our true motivations, we increase the potential impact of our actions.
Are you the type of person who strives to have a perfect notebook? Maybe you don’t have great handwriting, or you lack the artistic ability to make your notebook pretty. Does that matter? Only if you want it to. You could look at your notebook as the evidence of your imperfections, or
you could look at it as a testament to your courage. Those crooked lines and rough letters paint a picture of someone striving to learn and make a positive change in their life. It may not be perfect, but it’s unquestionably beautiful.