Jonathan Harker’s Journal
great book
libel action
have been withdrawn
Действующие лица Клавдий, датский король. Гамлет, сын покойного и племянник настоящего короля. Полоний, обер-камергер. Гораций, друг Гамлета. Лаэрт, сын Полония. Вольтиманд, Корнелий, Розенкранц, Гильденштерн, Озрик — придворные. Придворный. Священник. Марцелло, Бернардо — офицеры. Франциско, солдат. Рейнальдо, слуга Полония. Полковник. Посол. Тень отца Гамлета. Фортинбрас, принц норвежский. Гертруда, королева датская и мать Гамлета. Офелия, дочь Полония. Придворные, офицеры, солдаты, актеры, могильщики, матросы, вестники, слуги и другие. Действие происходит в Эльсиноре.
"We can't all be Stanleys and Burtons," said I;
"besides, we don't get the chance, — at least, I never
had the chance. If I did, I should try to take it."
"But chances are all around you. It is the mark
Hungerton, her father, really was the most
tactless person upon earth, — a fluffy,
feathery, untidy cockatoo of a man, perfectly good-
natured, but absolutely centered upon his own silly
self. If anything could have
E. D. Malone desires to state that both the
injunction for restraint and the libel action
have been withdrawn unreservedly by Professor G.
E. Challenger, who, being satisfied that no criticism
"He is a Perfectly Impossible Person"
gave the self-evident answer that I should be a ruined man,
upon which he jumped from his chair, reproved