![Книга Obraschenie v sluh на ReadRate.com книга Obraschenie v sluh](/img/pictures/book/868/868059/868059/w240h400-5401852f.jpg)
Obraschenie v sluh
Obraschenie v sluh by Anton Ponizovsky - a novel about Russia and the Russian soul. It sounds loud, and no other way to say.This is a book of true human stories, full of love and patience, anger and tenderness; narrative about ourselves - relatives and strangers, bitter or...Ещё
Obraschenie v sluh by Anton Ponizovsky - a novel about Russia and the Russian soul. It sounds loud, and no other way to say.This is a book of true human stories, full of love and patience, anger and tenderness; narrative about ourselves - relatives and strangers, bitter or forgiving ... different. These stories are the life itself: it does not wipe out, it did not fix it.But still - it's a book about two men and two women who listen to other people's stories and do not notice how clever swordplay grows into hatred and rivalry - in love.The book hit the Russian Booker shortlist 2013
- 2013 г.
- 9785445303237
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