Objective First Certificate: Teacher's Book
"Objective First Certificate" is a brand new course, designed to guide students towards success in the Cambridge First Certificate in English examination. A step-by-step approach to language, skills and techniques, combined with a wealth of interesting texts and recordings, make it one of the most lively, fulfilling and reassuringly thorough courses around. Key features include: Short units which give a satisfying sense of progression and achievement; A Grammar Reference appendix with explanations and examples of the main areas of difficulty at this level; Regular "Exam Folders" focusing on individual exam-type tasks and the skills needed to tackle them; Special "Writing Folders" which concentrate on developing the skills needed for Paper 2, often considered by students to be the most difficult; Revision units ensuring that language is constantly reactivated and recycled. The accompanying Workbook with or without...
- 2000 г.
- 0521625750
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