книга Integrated Marketing Communications: Putting It Together & Making It Work

Integrated Marketing Communications: Putting It Together & Making It Work

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Integrated Marketing Communications challenges business to confront a fundamental dilemma in today's marketing--the fact that mass media advertising, by itself, no longer works. This landmark book reveals that strategies long used to deliver selling messages to a mass culture...Ещё
Integrated Marketing Communications challenges business to confront a fundamental dilemma in today's marketing--the fact that mass media advertising, by itself, no longer works. This landmark book reveals that strategies long used to deliver selling messages to a mass culture through a single medium are now obsolete--and shows marketers how to get back on track. The answer lies in customer-focused marketing, a key planning tool that can--in today's diverse, fragmented marketplace--explain the lifestyles, attitudes, and motivations of distinct buyer groups and predict their likely buying behaviors in the future. Schultz, Tannenbaum, and Lauterborn explain how, by beginning with detailed consumer information, marketers can build a synchronized, multi-channel communications strategy that reaches every market segment with a single, unified message. This book also shows how to put an integrated program into practice, with expert guidance on planning,...
  • 0844233633



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