книга Banjo For Dummies. Book + Online Video and Audio Instruction

Banjo For Dummies. Book + Online Video and Audio Instruction

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Play your way to banjo-playing expertise Traditionally associated with country, folk, and bluegrass music, the banjo is accessible to anyone with the patience and willpower to learn it. This second edition of Banjo For Dummies does the rest of the work for you with updated...Ещё
Play your way to banjo-playing expertise Traditionally associated with country, folk, and bluegrass music, the banjo is accessible to anyone with the patience and willpower to learn it. This second edition of Banjo For Dummies does the rest of the work for you with updated practice lessons, teaching techniques, and step-by-step examples. With this guide, you will learn tips and techniques for selecting the right instruments and accessories, how to develop correct hand position and posture, and how to tune, care for, and make simple repairs to the instrument. An updated multimedia component features companion audio tracks and complementary video lessons that cement the concepts readers gain during their reading. Written by Bill Evans, an accomplished five-string banjo player, teacher, writer, and historian Includes access to «how-to» videos on Dummies.com Ideal for anyone who wants to learn to play this classic instrument For musicians hoping to lend their art an edge or interested learners looking to pick up a unique skill, Banjo For Dummies is a must-have, straightforward guide to success.
  • John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • 9781118746295



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