![Книга 1984 на ReadRate.com книга 1984](/img/pictures/book/509/509982/509982/w240h400-29d0bf7f.jpg)
Arguably the 20th-century's most famous novel, 1984 is a dystopian study of political tyranny, mind control, paranoia and secret mass surveillance. Set in Oceania, the ultimate totalitarian state, it describes a society tyrannized by a ruling party led
by Big Brother. In the...Ещё
Arguably the 20th-century's most famous novel, 1984 is a dystopian study of political tyranny, mind control, paranoia and secret mass surveillance. Set in Oceania, the ultimate totalitarian state, it describes a society tyrannized by a ruling party led
by Big Brother. In the furtherance of eradicating all expressions of individuality, people's lives are constantly monitored. Telescreens are everywhere, helicopters hover around buildings, spying through windows, and the Thought Police are constantly on alert.
Despite the threat of severe punishment, Outer Party Member Winston Smith takes a break from his job rewriting history. At home, in the one corner of his apartment that is hidden from the telescreen, he sits down to write a diary.
The cultural impact of George Orwell's masterpiece continues to resonate to this day.
- Bookwire
- 2019 г.
- 9788027225378
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moment, L’últim home a Europa, amb la intenció de destacar un altre dels temes claus de l’obra, que és la soledat, inicial i final, de Winston Smith, el protagonista. De fet, el títol final de la novel·la vol posar en relleu que el que s’explica és possible en un futur no gaire llunyà. Orwell comença
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Orwell va ser vigilat per l’espionatge anglès per la seva vinculació amb els moviments d’esquerra. Sembla que aquest fet també va influir en la decisió d’escriure
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esquema ben definit del que havia de ser l’obra. La censura, la divisió de classes, el Gran Germà, els
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